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Visa and work permit in Poland

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If you are a citizen of a non-European Union country (and non-European economic area) and you want to come and work in Poland, first of all you have to obtain a basis for a legal stay in Poland.

Then you can apply (with a help of your future employer) for a work permit.

Below you will find details of how to get your visa and work permit in Poland.

What data I need to submit for visa and work permit?

To determine the scope of the necessary documents, please answer the following questions:

* cross out as appropriate

How to get a visa to enter Poland?

What country do you live in?
What is your citizenship?
Do you have a biometric passport?
Purpose of stay gainful employment / running a business / others* …………………………………..
How long You want to stay in Poland
Do you have:
a) a visa,
b) temporary residence permit,
c) permanent residence permit,
d) long-term resident’s EU residence permit.
a) Yes / no*
b) Yes / no*
c) Yes / no*
d) Yes / no*
Details of the employer who wants to hire you (name, address, telephone)
Does the employer submit a declaration of entrusting work? Yes / no *
name of the position (the scope of activities performed by the employee)

To obtain a visa you need:

  • A travel document (passport document) which:
  1. is valid for at least three months after the planned date of leaving the territory of the Schengen area or, in the case of several visits, after the planned date of the last departure from the territory of the Schengen area
  2. contains at least two blank pages
  3. has been issued within the last ten years
  • A completed and signed visa application – we help you do this;
  • Photography – white background, face pointing straight ahead;
  • Confirmation of payment of the visa fee;
  • Travel medical insurance with an insurance amount of no less than EUR 30,000, valid throughout the territory of the Schengen area, covering all expenses that may arise from return for medical reasons, urgent medical care, emergency hospital treatment or death;
  • A document confirming the purpose of the trip
  • Document confirming the possession of adequate financial resources to cover the costs of living for the entire period of the planned stay and to cover the costs of return to the country of origin or residence, or to cover the costs of transit to a third country, which will certainly grant an entry permit, or documents confirming that these funds can legally get it (the equivalent is PLN 75 per day of stay, about PLN 2,500 for return costs – unless he already has a return ticket)
  • Document regarding accommodation or having the financial resources to cover the cost of accommodation
  • Document allowing to assess that the applicant will leave the territory of the Schengen area before the expiry of the visa

How can I get work permit in Poland?

If you have a document confirming your legal stay in Poland, you can apply for a uniform residence and work permit.

The application for a work permit should include:

  • 3 copies of the application for a temporary residence permit, completed in accordance with the instruction: application (to be completed by the foreigner) and Annex 1 (to be completed by the employer)
  • 4 current color photos of the foreigner, undamaged, 45×35 mm in size, taken in the last 6 months, showing the image of the foreigner’s face from the top of the head to the top of the shoulders, so that the face covers 70-80% of the photos, on a uniform light background, in the frontal position looking straight ahead with eyes open, hair not covered, with a natural expression on the face and mouth closed, as well as reproducing the natural color of his skin, clearly showing the eyes of the foreigner, especially the pupils; the alien’s eye line must be parallel to the top of the photo
  • valid travel document of the foreigner (photocopy of all written pages, original available for inspection)
  • confirmation of payment of stamp duty on the application and for the residence card in the amount of:
  1. 440 PLN – for a temporary residence and work permit
  2. 340 PLN – for a temporary residence and work permit for a foreigner holding a position on the management board of a limited liability company or a joint-stock company, the shares or stocks of which it does not hold
  3. PLN 50 – for residence card
  • in the case of fulfilling the conditions of exemption from the obligation to have a work permit – a document confirming the fulfillment of these conditions (for example, the Pole’s Card or a full-time graduation diploma at a Polish university)
  • an employment certificate from the last employer, when the foreigner previously performed work for another employer,
  • certificate of no arrears in taxes or declaration of the foreigner on no arrears in taxes in the case of work under a contract for specific work
  • a document confirming that the foreigner has health insurance or that the insurer covers the costs of treatment in Poland
  • information from the Starosta about the inability to meet his staffing needs on the local labor market in the scope of the job offered to the foreigner – only when required, this is ensured by the employer.


We can help you with the verification of the documents sent and explanations as to whether you will be able to obtain a visa, as well as assist in the procedure of obtaining it.

If you are interested, write and we will be happy to help you.



  • Mateusz Sawaryn

    Jestem radcą prawnym, posiadam 13-letnie doświadczenie w obsłudze prawnej spółek i przedsiębiorstw. Specjalizuję się w zakresie prawa spółek. Doradzałem w wielu transakcjach dotyczących przekształceń, połączeń spółek oraz wejść inwestycyjnych w spółki, związanych z pozyskaniem finansowania funduszy private equity oraz funduszy venture capital. Zajmuję się głównie planowaniem procesów i koncepcji transakcji inwestycyjnych, przekształceniowych czy założycielskich dla nowych spółek. Świadczę bieżącą obsługę korporacyjną spółkom prawa handlowego, w tym spółkom należącym do zagranicznych grup kapitałowych. W ostatnich latach poszerzyłem swoje umiejętności szkoleniowe zostając między innymi autorem webinarów Polskiej Agencji Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości. Od 2015 r. prowadzę własną kancelarię prawniczą, działającą pod firmą Sawaryn i Partnerzy sp.k. Kancelarię tworzy obecnie zespół kilkunastu prawników, specjalizujących się w obsłudze prawnej przedsiębiorców - ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem branży informatycznej i nowych technologii, prawa własności intelektualnej oraz ochrony danych osobowych czy tematyki start-up.

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